23 unique hamburger recipes to try this summer


A lot goes in to making the perfect burger. For some, it's how the patty is cooked—juicy on the inside, crisped edges on the outside and perfectly seasoned. For others, it's all about the toppings. With these unique hamburger recipes, you can have all that and then some.

Practice your meat to cheese to bread ratio with a simple bacon burger or kick things up to the gourmet level with a rosemary-lemon turkey burger topped with brie, raspberry jam and arugula.

Some things to keep in mind when whipping up any of these hamburger recipes is to make sure that the meat is totally cooked all the way through. In fact, an undercooked burger is more dangerous than undercooked steak. And skip the salt when it comes to seasoning. Even the smallest amount of salt added to your raw hamburger mix can mess with the texture.

Check out our favorite hamburger recipes in the slideshow above and for more grilling recipes, check out the slideshow below!