Ariana Grande's New Pajamas Turned Her Into Blair Waldorf

xoxo, Gossip Grande

Though Gossip Girl has been off the air for four years, Ariana Grande still channels her inner Blair Waldorf from time to time. Ariana has, of course, long shared Blair's love of hair bows, but last night she upped the ante and wore a full Blair-esque look to go to bed.

On Snapchat, Ariana shared a video of herself in bed, decked out in a silk pajama set with the caption, "Giving you Blair Waldorf right now...V proud. usually in a T shirt/undies." While she didn't break out an elaborate hair accessory to complete the look, she didn't have to — Snapchat had her covered.

Yes, Snapchat just so happened to have the prefect French maid filter for ya girl and she used it to go full Blair Waldorf. She signed it "xoxo," because of course she did.

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