‘The Stakes’: L8r America

Another week, another (sort of) political podcast

Welcome to "The Stakes," our serenade to politics and social justice. Coming up on the show today:

Part 1: Jane Coaston and Belinda O'Donnell speak with Zimbabwean Pastor Evan Mawarire, who helped trigger his country's #ThisFlag protest movement with a YouTube video.

Part 2: Jamil Smith talks with Jonathan Katz, a journalist who lived in Haiti during the current cholera epidemic, about why it took the UN so long to admit to its role in the outbreak.

Part 3: Julie Zeilinger sits down with Caia Hagel, the editor-in-chief of Sofa, a new digital trends magazine that tries to figure out just what it is that Gen-Z is thinking.

Part 4: Our poet-in-residence Marcus Ellsworth gives us his poetic take on the Supreme Court’s empty chair.

Thanks for listening, and be sure to subscribe to “The Stakes” on iTunes.

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