Ciara's Holiday Gift To You: Two New Tracks

Crank it up, CSquad.

'Tis the season ... for new Ciara music!

The R&B singer has released not one but two new songs for the CSquad to enjoy over the coming holidays, and oh baby are they special editions alright (sorry, couldn't resist).

The first new song is titled "Oh Baby" and was produced by Jackie collaborator Dr. Luke.

The second is called "Special Edition," produced by A.C.

You're grooving hard to both of these right now, we're sure of it, because they are a smooth and sweetly seductive and so very Ciara. Add these to the go-to daily chill playlist for sure.

CiCi is scheduled to head back on her Jackie album tour this week, starting with a Black Friday stop in Atlanta, Georgia and onto over a dozen other cities leading up to the week of Christmas.

And now we're going to spend the rest of the day trying to retool "Goodies" into a Santa song because a Ciara Christmas album would make us say "OH." Of course, we've known that for about 10 years, ever since CiCi belted out "Away In A Manger" and had us feeling many holiday feels.

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