"Allergy" Blogs & Blog Posts

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The feeling of a warm breeze on a spring day is something many allergy sufferers have had to go without because with the breeze comes the pollen. Flowers blooming also means pollen dropping, kicking up all that sneezy dust into the air. Luckily for y...

It’s not your imagination—spring allergy season really is getting worse every year. (Thanks, climate change.) Pollen seasons now start 20 days earlier and last 10 days longer than they did in 1990, according to recent research, and pollen counts...

Lianne Mandelbaum made a complaint to the Department of Transportation following the incident on a United flight from Houston to Newark in March.

It happens to a lot of people: You start to notice a pattern of unpleasant symptoms, and they seem connected to your diet, so you begin to wonder if maybe you have a food allergy. Fair enough—and good on you for paying attention to what your body i...

Anyone who lives with allergies knows how deeply unpleasant they can be, knocking you out with a range of symptoms affecting you from head-to-toe. Dogs feel our pain, too, and can be allergic to a number of the same things we are. Read more...

Having friends and family over for the holidays is stressful enough as it is, but if any of your guests have food allergies, you may be especially worried. If you’re not sure if anyone in your party has allergies, this is a great time to stop readi...

When you get the sniffles or a scratchy throat, you might jump to the conclusion you’re sick—and since the pandemic began, there’s plenty of reason to be anxious about that. Fall and winter usually usher in cold and flu season, but something el...