"Climate Change" Blogs & Blog Posts

An Englishman's CastleAn Englishman's Castle

A rural gentleman's sceptical views o the world - since 2003

Green ShootsGreen Shoots

Features and opinion on the environmental sector and what developments mean...


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There's been a lot written the last few years about the impending demise of coffee. Climate change is making bean growing tougher and tougher while demand is soaring. People love their java. And as we know, where there's money to be made, someone wil...

Last year was the hottest on record and the Earth is headed towards a global warming of 2.7 degrees, yet top fossil fuel and cement producers show a disregard for climate change and actively make things worse. A new Carbon Majors Database report foun...

  Are you on the board of a not-for-profit organisation that provides social or affordable rental housing? Do you have a residential property portfolio or do you just own a second home your rent out? Then this post is written for you to con...

  “As GPs, we know that increasing extremes of heat can have an impact on the health of the community – especially on the very young, and the very old. In primary care, we need to help our patients plan for heatwaves, which might include di...

 In 2023, for the first time, global warming exceeded 1.5C for an entire year. Less than five years ago the consensus was, unless serious and fundamental action was taken, the world would be warmer by over 1.5C by 2030. We are seven years ahead...

 According to the Australian Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) on 5 March 2024: Australia's climate has warmed by 1.50 ± 0.23 °C between 1910 and 2023, leading to an increase in the frequency of extreme heat events. In recent decades, ther...

Today we are all too familiar with the concept of greenhouse gasses and global warming, but almost 170 years ago, an American woman gave us a distant early warning that went unnoticed. Eunice Newton Foote was a women's rights activist and amateur sci...