"Common Sense" Blogs & Blog Posts

Unfashionably EconomicUnfashionably Economic

Random thoughts from a Ph.D economics student, covering current events and ...


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Normally, when you don't recognize a caller on your cellphone, it's fine to ignore it. If it's not actually a scammer but something important, they will leave a voice mail. But sometimes it's obvious you should pick up, even from a strange number, li...

Some Texans have decided that the recent snow was manufactured by the government. I weep for the education system in the state of Texas. pic.twitter.com/lq45woWGrx— chris evans (@notcapnamerica) February 21, 2021 Independent: A numb...

With many kids in virtual school and isolated from friends and loved ones during the pandemic, having access to smartphones or other devices to maintain relationships has become more important to them than ever. But even before the pandemic, cell pho...

The Art Of Storytelling In Business Communications And Public Relations. Techniques For Effective Business Communications.   I collect examples of dreadful communications. Every large company at some point drives off the communications road of...

“Sounds Right to Me” is an occasional column in which Megan Reynolds and Emily Alford, Jezebel’s logic experts, explain why something that sounds wrong is actually completely right. Read more...

President Donald Trump, a super reasonable guy, is against immigrants living and working in the United States without proper documentation and a very good reason; in a proposal unveiled last week, he advocated restricting immigration to sliver of hig...

Killer Mike continued his mission to blow up the  white left-wing extremist paradigm on guns and Second Amendment rights over the weekend when he appeared on Bill Maher’s HBO program with author and commentator Robert Reich. Maher wanted to ha...