"Laughter" Blogs & Blog Posts


semi original musings of insipid insightfulness


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In 1975, Alex Mitchell, 50, was watching the UK television comedy The Goodies when he burst in such hard laughter that, well, he died laughing. His heart had failed. To be fair, he didn't really die of laughter. "Laughing can increase your intrath...

“I never smile if I can help it,” Dunder Mifflin Assistant (to the) Regional Manager Dwight Schrute tells the camera in an episode of The Office. “Showing one’s teeth is a submission signal in primates. When someone smiles at me, all I see is...

As Dave Chappelle moves into his third week of defending his Netflix special, The Closer, in which he rehashed the same old anti-trans bigotry he’s been peddling for years, the comedian has both earned an ally in Fox News and begun offering terms f...

I’m told I have a terrific smile when there are no cameras around, but the second someone points a lens my direction, I turn into a robot who cannot muster a genuine grin. I look like I’m being held hostage and forced to send a false signal of co...

When I watched the Brady Bunch as a youngster, there was one particular deep guffaw that always caught my attention. I knew the laughs were pre-recorded but always assumed that there was just a laugh track tape and they'd press play at the appropriat...


Harrogate HospitalWith all the 'should we?' or 'shouldn't we? keep hospital appointments during this awful Coronavirus outbreak I thought because my appointment was still on schedule last week I should try to attend. I also thought I would cheer up m...