"Massachusetts" Blogs & Blog Posts

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Salisbury Beach, Massachusetts, residents spent $600K on a human-made sand dune to protect surfside homes from coastal erosion. It collapsed in 3 days.

Salisbury Beach, Massachusetts, residents spent $600K on a human-made sand dune to protect surfside homes from coastal erosion. It collapsed in 3 days.

CNN interviews a gentleman who does not realize he has already lost, and it is just a matter of time before his home is swallowed by the sea. Last week, we shared the story of a strip of homes in Salisbury, Massachusetts, that saw $600k of barrier de...

A half-million dollar sand dune washed away three days after a Massachusetts community paid to install it. I guess locals in Salisbury, Massachusetts, have never built a sandcastle. Their homes were threatened by changing tides and rising seas so thi...

Running for a spot on the Massachusetts Republican Party's State Committee is an unabashed Nazi. Lori Kauffman loves Hitler and Kanye, and hates Jewish people. If the people in her Boston district elect her to this committee job, she wants to be su...

In a letter to officials, the Brockton school committee said it recently experienced "an alarming 35 teachers absent" amid the rise in violence.

Melissa Rebelo-Sauve met her husband while playing Grand Theft Auto. After a few years of dating, she joined him in Montreal — it was a culture shock.