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The Affordable Care Act mandated free annual medical checkups. But medical crooks are finding many ways around that, and too many Americans are receiving large bills for those "free" exams. The following is part of an expose by The Washington Post ab...

Donald Trump recently said he wants to overturn the Affordable Care Act and replace it -- even though he has no plan of his own. Paul Krugman discusses Trump's desire in his New York Times column:Donald Trump hasn’t talked much about policy in this...

It's a trap. But Trump set himself up for another bruising lesson over trying to repeal Obamacare.

A few days ago, Donald Trump said if elected again he would repeal Obamacare (the Affordable Care Act), and is considering ideas to replace it.It would be interesting to see what those replacement ideas are. He had four years in the White House, and...

Though his accomplishments are not popular with his critics, Trump, for better or worse, has been a consequential president.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer on Thursday evening said Democrats reached an agreement on the party's economic agenda.

The senator, who is up for reelection in November, wants to offer an amendment that would expand Medicaid in 12 states.