"Pain" Blogs & Blog Posts

These are the stories of my soulThese are the stories of my soul

These are mainly short stories written by me for people's reading plea...


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It took her 11 years for a doctor to finally find a compression in a pelvic nerve. Previous doctors had disregarded her pain as being all in her head.

If you’ve ever had an injury or ailment that requires ice, you probably know that not all ice packs are the same. Trying to find one that’s the right shape and size can be a challenge, and keeping it in place while you’re using it can be frustr...

If you’ve ever had a painful injury or illness, or if you deal with chronic pain, you’re probably familiar with the phenomenon of a flare up, in which your pain spikes. Not only is this pain uncomfortable, but it can also interfere with cognitive...

Interoception is the ability to recognize internal bodily signals, such as feeling hot or cold, hungry or thirsty. In the same way that the nerves in our muscles and joints will send signals to our brain, letting it know where we are in physical spa...

Welcome to Training Diaries, a Lifehacker series about my journey to the 2023 TCS New York City Marathon. This series will cover all the ups, downs, and hill repeats on my journey to the biggest marathon in the world. Leading up to race day on Sunday...

It’s impossible to tell by looking at someone, but endometriosis is an incredibly painful and sometimes debilitating multi-system disease that causes a lot of problems for those who have it. Endometriosis is a disease where tissues similar to the u...

Stonefish are considered the most venomous fish in the world. With an excellent ability to camouflage in rocky or muddy shallow ocean floors, these fish sport 13 defensive venomous spines on their back, each of which is like a hypodermic needle attac...