"Tai Chi" Blogs & Blog Posts

The Blog of Jordan KeatsThe Blog of Jordan Keats

Where I Try To Convince You To Try Tai Chi


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This week’s out-of-touch guide brings us gifts from Asia, including the Korean craze of “mukbang” videos, American appropriation of ancient Chinese martial arts, and a Japanese video game series that some people really like… but only some peo...

A 69-year-old tai chi master ends up flat on his back, unconscious, after just 30 seconds into a competition (the action starts around 2 minutes into the video). His younger opponent, a former martial arts coach and amateur fighter, looks a little co...

On a recent Thursday evening in August, a 40-year-old MMA gym owner in Beijing named Xu Xiaodong activated his VPN, hopped over the Chinese government’s internet firewall, and began his first-ever live YouTube broadcast. He wanted to talk about the...

Original Article by TechSling Weblog: Students can keep themselves fit without sacrificing their studies by doing their chores, eating right, cycling to school, playing a sport, doing some yoga, joining a gym, running, jogging, or walking at least fi...

A Chinese national flag flies as students practice Tai Chi on a high school playground during a Guinness World Record attempt of the largest martial arts display ever. (more…)...

"How can you be stressed? You're retired!" Little do friends and family members know, but retirees can get stressed out about all kinds of things... money, relationships, boredom - even too many calls on your time and attention from family.