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Travel talk from around the world and especially my home - New Zealand

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Dear readers, Covid, lack of travel, and few opportunities to publish in print, means it’s time to hang up my travel writing pen. Although I wanted to be a writer as a child, I had no idea how that was achieved by anyone – who pays a writer I won...

The time has come for me to hang up my blogging pen and camera. With Covid-19 ruling the roost and very little or no international travel on the horizion, I’ve decided to stop blogging – soon. I have an IT professional collating my 1200 p...

If so, where to? I wonder if I will ever again have a year like this letter home wrote about! Is there anything here you would like to do? Or would never do? Dear family and friends, over the past year ( pre-covid) I have swum in the Nile and Mekong...

During the school, summer holidays Christchurch was invaded by penguins.  Each was designed by local artists, and numerous schools, to be displayed throughout the city as a pop-up penguin art trial. I saw some mums with the kids as they kicked them...

Cooking at Xmas can be an issue – especially if you are cooking for friends and family who don’t use alcohol. Alcohol Burn-off Chart: The following chart data comes from the U.S. Department of Agriculture with information on how much alco...

how to make your travel blog sing?  Here are a few tips to help. It often helps to make a basic outline before you start writing. Talk to locals. How else will you learn about the place? Find a fresh angle to the story. Most places have been writte...

So you want to be a travel writer, you want some tips? Okay, first of all, after teaching travel writing over many years I can tell you most people never get published – sad but true. In fact, that’s why I stopped teaching – it didn’t feel ri...