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Jamie ClubbJamie Clubb

The blog of Jamie Clubb, author of "The Legend of Salt and Sauce: The ...


News, commentary and action alerts about animal rights issues

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capturing the best moments


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When I came across an ad for Porpoise Jaw Oil in the August 1965 issue of Popular Mechanics, I doubted whether it was really oil derived from porpoises (small toothed whales). However, after reading the fine print — "The incomparable lubricity of t...

In case its name isn't clear enough, snapping turtles snap. And so, obviously, it's best not to touch them — as one TikToker learned the hard — aka painful — way. "Whatchya doin' little man?" she asked sweetly, talking to a cute snapping turtle...

A TikToker wanted to make "a cute video" posing with her dog, but from the get-go, you can see that the pooch had other plans. The video starts off with Nayte smiling into the camera, assuming her Australian shepherd, Marley, is doing the same. R...

Buster is a golden retriever who was "supposed to go potty and come back inside," but the frisky pooch had other plans. When his human opened the door to let him back into the house, the doggo was having a grand ol' time swimming and paddling around...

An excited pup shows off his athletic skills by repeatedly hurling his plush toy — straight toward his human, who is trying to concentrate at her desk. One shot manages to knock over a framed photo while another shot almost knocks over a water bott...

See what happens when three adorable baby armadillos meet a kitten and a dog. The armadillos seem like the most excited about the interaction, out of all the animals.  Although they ignore the dog, they all eagerly sniff and jump around with the ki...