Beautifully Glossy

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Blog Tags:cosmetics, lip balm, eye shadow, lipstick, eye liner, lip gloss, foundation, mascara, concealer

A beauty blog written by a lip balm addict. Beautifully Glossy is all about make-up, skin care and body care.

Latest Blog Posts

You know those days when you wonder what you're teaching your children and if you're setting a good example?I had one of those recently. Chai had something happen at school and when he was telling me about it he said, "I did what you do Mum, I d...


on May 18, 2024

Hello beautiful people! How are you all? I am still here but I have no brain capacity for blogging or instagram. Life is taking up all of the energy I have and some.  I hope you are all well and happy. If you want to chat send me a mes...


on May 7, 2024 in: family, kids, parenting

Every now and again one of my kids will say something that is heartbreaking.Today was one of those days.Chai told me he feels like a little kid trapped in a big kids body.My poor boy. He's obviously noticed that he's not as mature as his peers. I kne...

Thoughts of the week

on Jan 13, 2024 in: Thoughts

1. We're halfway through the school holidays. I'm ready to go back to work but not ready to go back to the school routine. I much prefer our relaxed holiday mornings and the mornings when I go to work and the boys stay home.  2. I'm becoming mor...

FFS Friday - Oops

on Jan 11, 2024

Hello beautiful people. How are you all? Happy new year! I'd really like to be more consistent with my blogging this year, however I'm not going to feel bad or put any pressure on myself when I'm not consistent. In all honesty I'm completel...

2023 Happenings

on Dec 30, 2023 in: family, life

JanuaryAfter seeing in the new year we were straight in bed. New Years Day was nice and quiet.  We celebrated Poppy's 75 birthday.That same day there was a fire in the bush behind our house. We went onto alert and chose to evacuate. Thankfully I...

Thoughts of the week

on Dec 16, 2023 in: Thoughts

1. It's school holidays!  2. Clarabelletoks on Threads is one of my favourite accounts. She's so funny, even funnier are her replies to people. If you need a good laugh, check her out here.   3. Poppy King has released another lip...