"Children" Blogs & Blog Posts

Amy's MusingsAmy's Musings

Tales from the anti-soccer mom of 3 great kids, Erma Bombeck with a bite. H...

Ramblings of a Freelance WriterRamblings of a Freelance Writer

A Pom in Perth. Freelance writer. Full-time mum. Part-time blogger. Exhaust...

The Thrill Is Gone!The Thrill Is Gone!

True and funny stories about my life as a dysfunctional mom and wife! We ne...

educationtiotipster:Kathy Stemkeeducationtiotipster:Kathy Stemke

Our movement activities, book reviews, and parenting tips will help parents...

My wife has agoraphobia and my son is autisticMy wife has agoraphobia and my son is autistic

How agoraphobia and autism affect a slightly unusual composite family(?)

Larger Family LifeLarger Family Life

A mother of many blogs about living life the larger family way

In the Mommy TrenchesIn the Mommy Trenches

The ups and downs of a mostly stay at home mom trying to balance life, love...


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Childcare costs are skyrocketing, forcing families to move across the US. But there may be a light at the end of the tunnel.

A therapist shared the subtle signs your parents may have had a favorite child and encouraged sibling rivalry by stoking competition and jealousy.

In recent months, a majority of the Republican Party has firmly turned against providing further US aid to Ukraine.

If you're considering having children with your partner, a therapist shared some red flags to watch out for before you commit to parenthood together.

As older parents, my mom and dad didn't seem interested in parenting, and I often felt unwanted during my childhood. I decided not to have children.

Politicians in the UK want to train young male influencers in schools to be alternative role models to Andrew Tate. But it's probably not enough, say experts.

 The chart above reflects the results of the Economist / YouGov Poll -- done between February 25th and 27th of a nationwide sample of 1,688 adults (including 1,498 registered voters), with a 3.2 point margin of error.