"Archaeology" Blogs & Blog Posts

Ancient DiggerAncient Digger

Learning from the past while digging in the present. A journal and educatio...

The Archaeology News NetworkThe Archaeology News Network

The Archaeology News Network is a news website providing all the latest dev...

The TravelSphereThe TravelSphere

The TravelSphere is a new travel site introducing readers to the more uniqu...

Archaeology in Europe BlogArchaeology in Europe Blog

Archaeological news from Europe


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On Aug. 24, in A.D. 79, Mount Vesuvius erupted, shooting over 3 cubic miles of debris up to 20 miles (32.1 kilometers) in the air. As the ash and rock fell to Earth, it buried the ancient cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum.

Remote sensing has long been a crucial tool in archaeology, with optical and radar imaging maturing significantly. However, detecting sub-surface features and monitoring heritage sites under various environmental conditions remain challenging.

New research into an ancient timber circle discovered on a Norfolk beach and dubbed "Seahenge" suggests it was created in response to a period of extreme climatic deterioration at the close of the third millennium BC.

Archaeologists debate when the first humans arrived in the Americas. Controversial 22,000-year-old stone tools are one of the latest discoveries.

At the U of A's Center for Advanced Spatial Technologies, Wolfgang Alders, a National Science Foundation SBE Postdoctoral Fellow, is using satellite imagery and archaeological methods to better understand the origins of urban life on the eastern Afri...

Ancient Egyptian were medical masters of their time. The Egyptian physicians treated everything from cranial fractures to dental issues with impressive success. Treating cancer was a struggle, although evidence suggests they may have tried. An intern...

From ancient texts we know that—for their times—the ancient Egyptians were exceptionally skilled at medicine. For example, they could identify, describe, and treat diseases and traumatic injuries, build protheses, and put in dental fillings. Othe...