"Fiber Art" Blogs & Blog Posts

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Mixed media art blog where iI share my current work and techniques

SewDanish - Scandinavian Textile ArtSewDanish - Scandinavian Textile Art

A blog about me as an exhibiting Danish Textile/Fiber Artist. I blog about ...

Textile Arts Resource GuideTextile Arts Resource Guide

The purpose of this blog is to identify and provide access to a wide range ...


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Love's animation always bring me a sense of calm and childlike wonder.  This particular animation looks so much like burning fire. It's amazing what this artist is able to do with stop motion and fiber sculptures. The fire sounds are delightful...

Seed heads from Belstead gardens This is so exciting! The textile group Fibrefusion that I belong to, has just had its 5th book published! The book ‘Muslin, a Stitched Exploration of Loose Weave Fabrics’ is an inspirational workbook using...