"Iran" Blogs & Blog Posts


International, Middle Eastern, Canadian, local Politics, media, analysis.

The Menso Guide to War, Conflict and World IssuesThe Menso Guide to War, Conflict and World Issues

Analysis of conflicts that lead to violence, with emphasis on the Middle Ea...

Andrew Sullivan's Daily DishAndrew Sullivan's Daily Dish

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Houthi rebels released footage that appeared to show a new missile, the "Palestine," with a warhead painted like a Palestinian keffiyeh scarf.

The US is considering deploying more strategic nuclear weapons in response to growing threats from its adversaries, a senior Biden official said.

OpenAI said it's been quick to react, disrupting five covert influence operations using its tools in the last three months.

The anti-aircraft missile suggests Israel's Air Force would face a much greater threat over southern Lebanon than it has in Gaza's skies.

Ebrahim Raisi, Iran's hard-line president, died in a fiery helicopter crash in remote, fog-shrounded mountains. Also killed was foreign minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian and others aboard the chopper. Raisi's death triggers an election within 50 days...

Iranian president Ebrahim Raisi died in a helicopter crash. His sudden death leaves room for the IRGC to gain more power.

No military had faced anti-ship ballistic missiles in combat before until the Houthis started firing them late last year.