"Japan" Blogs & Blog Posts

Radical Ring PopsRadical Ring Pops

A fashion blog dedicated to a cute and kawaii aesthetic on the cheap. Inclu...


A Photographic Travelogue of Uneven Perceptions

just another dayjust another day

Describes just another day in my life as a teacher, a wife, a daughter and ...


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British pop band Saint Etienne recorded a version of Like a Motorway, their mysterious electronic cover of classic folk song Silver Dagger, in Japanese. But they decided not to present it on tour there out of concerns their hosts might feel mocked. &...

A recent regulatory sweep of Japan's auto industry found that the country's biggest car manufacturer, Toyota, lied on safety certification tests. Honda, Suzuki, Mazda and Yamaha were also caught up in the dust. Japanese auto regulatory agencies caugh...

Was Netflix's release of "Lumberjack the Monster" made without announcement in the name of inscrutable marketing tactics or sheer laziness? The newest horror feature from Miike slowly lumbered onto Netflix in late May. Despite Miike's cult following...

In the video embedded below we get a look at Japan's largest chalk factory, where seashell powder is transformed into pristine sticks of white chalk. I like the part of the chalk-making process where the chalk is dough-like, and gets rolled into lon...

Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) is incredibly popular in Japan and its locations and offerings here are much better than the ones in the US.

dearMoon and SpaceX made plans to reach the moon in 2023, but that goal became "unfeasible." Yusaku Maezawa said the voyage was now canceled.

Machida, Japan, celebrates Satoshi Tajiri, creator of Pokémon with cute manhole covers in his hometown. "Poké Lids" can be found all around Japan, but the ones in Machida are extra special.  From Atlas Obscura: "The suburban city of Machida c...