"Website Design" Blogs & Blog Posts

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Web Develpment BlogWeb Develpment Blog

A blog on all things related to website design and online marketing.

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Can Jamie Marsland re-create an iconic homepage?

Original Article by TechSling Weblog: If your website is just so well designed that your visitors can’t help but be impressed and want to take some time to look around and explore the site. No matter how high-profile a business is, every website co...

Original Article by TechSling Weblog: A well-designed website ensures a great user experience. It highly impacts how the audience perceives your brand which is critical for building trust and impression. They are likely to spend more time on an inter...

As the web moves towards a more decentralized future, web designers will need to learn new skills in order to create websites that are compatible with this new technology. Blockchain technology is a distributed database that allows for secure, transp...

Most businesses need to build a website to be successful. You might be able to build a website using a free website builder and existing templates, but it might be better to work with a web development agency. If you go the latter route, what can you...

Most websites are nothing more than static web pages that serve as branded placeholders for companies. However, if you want your website to serve as a powerful tool for generating leads or turning traffic into customers, you have to break through the...

Original Article by TechSling Weblog: Do you want to increase your website traffic? Yes, then improving your website usability and making your site more user-friendly is how you do so. In this digital world, businesses need a website more than ever b...