"Mystery" Blogs & Blog Posts

Celtic ShamanCeltic Shaman

This blog is about my life and work as a writer, artisit, biodynamic garden...

Shelly Barclay - Rewriting HistoryShelly Barclay - Rewriting History

Shelly Barclay rewrites history shedding new light on events long passed.

Audio Book HeavenAudio Book Heaven

Audio book reviews spanning all genres: science fiction, fantasy, action, a...

Genre WenchGenre Wench

Reviews of mystery, fantasy, sci-fi and the occasional horror books

Shadow and FangShadow and Fang

The musings, methods, and sugar coated sass of paranormal romance author Ka...

A Darker Shade of MidnightA Darker Shade of Midnight

Murder mystery set in the Louisiana


Posting Frequency on "mystery"


Latest Blog Posts

I'm an avid suspense reader and listener, so I'm always on the lookout for more! I have enjoyed Alex Finlay's previous books, so picking up his title 'If Something Happens to Me', was an easy decision.The story is told through multiple characters. Fi...

The title of Stuart Turton's new book caught my eye - The Last Murder at the End of the World. I enjoy post apocalyptic fiction and murder mysteries, so this was an easy book to pick up.I'm always fascinated as to what an author imagines for the 'end...

I'm an avid suspense reader, so I'm always on the lookout for more! I have enjoyed Alex Finlay's previous books, so picking up his latest  book, 'If Something Happens to Me", was an easy decision.The story is told through multiple characters. Fi...

I have read each and every book Harlan Coben has written. His standalones are great - but I have a soft spot for Myron Bolitar and his friend Windsor Horne Lockwood III aka Win. Think Twice partners up the two again.Things start off with a...

You know that summer is just around the corner when Mary Kay Andrews releases a new novel! Summers at the Saint is that new book!St. Cecelia is the name of the Georgia hotel and club frequented by the wealthy. Although everyone refers...

Laura McHugh has just released her new book - Safe and Sound. I  really enjoyed her debut novel, The Weight of Water. (my review) And I really enjoyed Safe and Sound as well.McHugh again does a brilliant job of building the setting. Beaumont Mis...

I have no idea if anyone has coined a name for the genre of  'older amateur sleuths solving mysteries and pulling at your heartstrings at the same time. Not a cosy, but a heartfelt story running alongside of the body. Let me know if you have! Un...