"Skepticism" Blogs & Blog Posts

Beelzebubs BrokerBeelzebubs Broker

The various writings of Jamie Clubb. Includes a variety of essays, articles...

PodBlack CatPodBlack Cat

Science, superstitions and skeptical life - a female's token skeptic b...

Dr Alan's PlacebologyDr Alan's Placebology

Dr Alan's Placebology is a fictional list by a fictional doctor of &qu...


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There are a lot of reasons you might prefer to keep your religious beliefs—or lack thereof—to yourself. In a society that typically defaults to faith of some kind, it can be feel daunting to “come out” as a non-believer. Atheists can sometime...

When it comes to religion, parents—atheist parents, in particular—may find themselves stumbling to explain to their kids why other families believe in certain things, but we don’t. There are an endless number of “Big Talks” we have with our...

Jennifer Raff -- a bioanthropologist and geneticist who researches and teaches at U Kansas and U Texas -- provides some excellent advice and context on how to read a scientific paper, from figuring out which papers and journals are worthy of your att...

There is a lot presidenting left to do. The post You Can’t Declare a President a ‘Success’ in Three Weeks appeared first on RedState.

Making my way over to my hotel’s breakfast bar I was immediately struck by the many odd-shaped fruits that greeted me. Their roughness and complete lack of uniformity seemed at total odds with the plush surroundings of the hotel. I couldn’t he...

Bidding starts at $10, proceeds go to benefit Skepchickcon in Minneapolis, July 2-5.

Mark Tilbrook distributed fliers at three of Sally Morgan's stage-shows, urging the audience to view the alleged psychic's performance through a sceptical lens. Read the rest...