"Vegetables" Blogs & Blog Posts

Gardening with the MoonGardening with the Moon

Gardening with the Moon is a fortnightly column about Biodynamic gardening....

The Far North GardenThe Far North Garden

Gardening and edible landscaping in cold climates.

The Green Grower - Allotment AnticsThe Green Grower - Allotment Antics

The ups, downs, highs & lows of a novice with an allotment, from my ver...


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This simple salad has a tangy sweet dressing that makes it a perfect summer side dish.  It's not an original recipe of mine as I found it at www.sugarspunrun.com.  The link to the recipe below.I only made a couple changes - I used red-wine...

Get Any Plant is an online aggregator of nurseries and online stores with some 6,000 species of plant to buy. It has Venus Fly Traps, handsome Echevaria, beautiful Salpiglossis, and many more. They're organized by type (flowing, carnivorous, pet safe...

  When I was a child, one of my favorite cartoons was Popeye the Sailor Man. He was really strong and that was because he ate lots of Spinach.  My sister, brother and I  were always amazed to watch his muscles bulge out and expand...

  As soon as I saw this recipe I knew that it was something I would want to make. I adapted it from a recipe which I found on a blog called  That Oven Feelin.  (Don't you just love the names people give to their pages! This is so...

 I had bought a container of ready prepared butternut squash when my daughter was here last week. We were going to have it on Saturday, but then I got ill and all of the best laid plans went out of the window.  I needed to use it up today o...

 Today's brilliant onion recipe has been adapted from the Ottolenghi cookbook entitled, Flavor.  I am a HUGE fan of Ottolenghi.  He is a much beloved Chef in the U.K. who is well known for his ability to stretch the norms and come up w...

 I was talking to my sister the other day and she was saying that her daughter had been speaking to her about Mashed Potato Bowls and how popular they were.  The more we talked about them, the more I wanted to make one!Apparently KFC in the...