"Plants" Blogs & Blog Posts

The Midnight GardenThe Midnight Garden

One gardener's observations, discoveries and random thoughts whilst si...

Mayukh's PhotoblogMayukh's Photoblog

capturing the best moments

Old VarietiesOld Varieties

This site has been set up to celebrate and feature the heritage of Britain&...

The Far North GardenThe Far North Garden

Gardening and edible landscaping in cold climates.


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Tmesipteris oblanceolata, a fern, has a genome five times larger than the human one. It is the largest yet observed in nature, reports Nature, and its 160 billion base pairs "raises questions as to how the plant manages its genetic material." —...

A 3-year-old boy in Japan with a strong interest in plants was honored by police after he discovered an illegal opium plant growing in an open field. The young plant enthusiast, who runs to his botanical book whenever he stumbles upon a plant he doe...

Get Any Plant is an online aggregator of nurseries and online stores with some 6,000 species of plant to buy. It has Venus Fly Traps, handsome Echevaria, beautiful Salpiglossis, and many more. They're organized by type (flowing, carnivorous, pet safe...

An orangutan named Rakus has a pretty solid grasp of first-aid. He's the first orangutan ever observed to intentionally self-heal himself with plants.

This spring, Washington, D.C. residents turned out in droves to say sayonara to Stumpy, a gnarled and dying Japanese cherry tree. Even though Stumpy looks more like driftwood than a healthy plant, it manages to produce a flowering branch every year.

Research has linked eating 30 plants a week to a healthy gut microbiome. A dietitian who doesn't meal prep shared how she reaches this weekly goal.

Here's an enchanting timelapse of an Orbea Semota in bloom. The Orbea Semota is a star-shaped succulent that looks more like a sea creature than a plant, at least in this video. This plant is pretty mesmerizing to watch in bloom via a timelapse. R...