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Blog Tags:Style, Fashion, Beauty, NYC, New York
Country:United States
State/Province:New York
Location:New York

The Stylester is a site about Style, Fashion and Beauty for and by twenty something girls, in and around New York City. The site features latest trends seen in NYC – in fashion, beauty and living, upcoming events, and the best sample sales in the city.

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If you have a website, you always want to work hard to make sure that you keep getting new customers and that you are constantly increasing the traffic to your site. It doesn’t matter if you have the best website in the world if no... The post...

Staying properly groomed as a man is more important than ever. Today’s styles all center around a clean look, so neckbeards and peach fuzz aren’t going to cut it. If you want to look fresh all the time, then you’re going to need the...

The best way to avoid losing your Social Security card is to laminate it, and keep it with you at all times. If you have a purse, or a wallet, it needs to be in there, allowing you to keep it safe. Unfortunately, most people... The post Who Should Yo...

Do you have acne? Also known as acne vulgaris, acne is a skin condition that typically affects teenagers that usually becomes less of a problem as we get older. However, some folks do struggle with outbreaks of acne in their later years, and despite...

Has the day that most homeowners dread most of all finally arrived? It happens to all homeowners eventually and none of us look forward to it. That day is the day your roof needs replacing or serious repair. To ease the stress involved when dealing..

If you have decided to finally get engaged, you are going to have to find an engagement ring that that special someone that you love will absolutely love. You should be able to find several that look promising, all of which will be priced at... The p...

When people hear about integrated circuits, they may wonder how they are actually made. They may understand that they are placed into most of the electronic products that we use today. However, the creation of them, and why they work, is often a fore...