Jamie Clubb

Blog URL:http://www.jamieclubb.blogspot.com
Blog Tags:elephant, circus, history, performance, showbusiness, animals, performers, writing, non-fiction
Country:United Kingdom

The blog of Jamie Clubb, author of "The Legend of Salt and Sauce: The Amazing Story of Britain's Most Famous Elephants".

Latest Blog Posts

I am delighted to announce the re-publication of "The Legend of Salt and Sauce". This book was first published 10 years ago. This month is actually the anniversary of the second edition. It is also the 250th anniversary of the circus. The edition is...

Memories of Clacton

on Jun 22, 2017 in: history

My memories of Clacton in 1982 are a hazy mixture of imagination, Spider-Man, Superman and Batman costumes, the smell of jacket potatos mixed with the salty air, a huge amount of freedom that would shock today's helicoptor parents, a videogame arcade...

Salt and Sauce in London?

on Sep 25, 2014 in: London

My attention was recently brought to the website of the long established and renowned Circus History Society in the USA.  A message had been posted up their message enquiring after the identities and verification of two elephants who temporally...

One of the many mysteries that I encountered when I began my research into the story of Salt and Sauce the elephants was the nature of the disease that infected their original group. Now a recently published article in volume 17, issue 3 of the journ...

Heads of asian and african elephants (Photo credit: Wikipedia)I appreciate I am very late in here, but I was going through my archive emails and noticed this interesting piece of history. When I began collating my various pieces of research together...

 Circus Maniaā€¯ is a much needed dispassionately written book on the British circus scene. In order for this institution to survive, thrive and regain mainstream respectability in the media it needs journalistic appraisal, insight and critique.

I hope this post isn't premature, but I have finally got round to looking into producing the third edition of "The Legend of Salt and Sauce". At this present time I am going back through my research and contacting the various people who helped my fat...