"Science-fiction" Blogs & Blog Posts

Cheeseburger Brown: Serial Sci-Fi WallahCheeseburger Brown: Serial Sci-Fi Wallah

Free original short fiction from author Chester Burton 'Cheeseburger&#...


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Robots are likely to replace a lot of jobs in the future, but these roles are generally well-suited to automation. For some jobs — particularly creative professions — it’ll be much harder to simply swap in a digital employee. But as a forthcomi...

Serial is an important part of a complete breakfast. Please, chow down. Preamble: It's been said that awe is the emotion that makes you really feel alive, which is interesting because it's also an emotion that is agnostic with regard to the human qu...

In a New York Times interview, “Blade Runner” director Ridley Scott described his third science fiction film “Prometheus” as “‘2001’ on steroids.”  This comparison is entirely appropriate, particularly if you’ve seen the enigma...

Bobo is the true life crime confession of a slutty robot, as ordained by me, your sacred host, Cheeseburger Brown. This is the sixteenth installment. Before we go on I'd also like to point out that I've begun rolling out properly formatted and edite...