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Sister Sage's MusingsSister Sage's Musings

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Like a lot of progressives and centrists, I’ve found the whole petition to deport CNN‘s insufferable Piers Morgan to be a laughable if not preposterous cause, even for the right wing. Even funnier though is the effort of British folks...

  A data base for the mentally ill?  Armed guards at schools? Or my favourite, the  only  a “good” guy with a gun can protect against a “bad” guy with a gun? As for that data base ol’ Wayne Lapierre flapped his...

Yesterday, yet another school shooting. This time, an elementary school in Connecticut where 20 children and 6 adults were shot dead by an AK 47 no less. The gun apparently belonged to his mother, whom he also shot and killed.  He turned the gun on...

Today is the 57th anniversary of that fateful day Rosa Parks defiantly refused to give up her seat on a city bus.  The White House tweets a pic of President Obama sitting on that bus to commemorate the event. Righties like the clinically insane Mic...

Keep thinking you live in a democracy, dear. What’s happened to my country? I went away for a couple of weeks and all hell broke loose. I came back to find that someone named Poutine stole the last election. At first I thought this was a typo, that...

"Hey, this is some good reefer. I just saw the future. It's just like the 30's in Canada only worse!" Harper tells them to buzz off. He is determined to send Canada back a century, if not the middle ages. But the Harper government re...

After last night’s episode of  “Canada Reads”,  prominent Quebec attorney, Anne-France Goldwater decided to be really nasty by calling one of the featured authors “a terrorist” and implied that another one was “a...