My side of the street

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Blog Tags:gay, sober, religion, theology, hiv aids, lgbtq, recovery

We are a sober based blog. Talking about recovery, HIV?AIDS, religion, theology and life along with LGBTQ Issues

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I am all packed and ready to go tomorrow. Another weekend with my best friend and his girlfriend. It is also PRIDE in Ottawa this weekend. Unlike last year, our Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau will be marching in this years edition. If it is anything...

Immigration Woes

on Aug 23, 2017

In the early 1970’s, my family had made their second house move to a larger home and into a new area of Miami. By the time we began school, in the early 1970’s, the Mariel Boat Lift had begun. Thousands of Cubans were fleeing the island o...

On Tuesday afternoon, a Micro Burst ran over the city. In a matter of FIVE minutes, yes, FIVE minutes, entire sections of the city were FLATTENED to the GROUND. Trees, Houses, Buildings, and Cars were CRUSHED … Lights were knocked down, electri...

Courtesy: Michael Shainblum Photography There was an incredible Solar Eclipse earlier today… I slept right through it. But I have an amazing image to show you, if you missed it. Overheard at the Meeting tonight: Imagine … How many people...

It is Friday. The best night of the week. It was a good day. I got out early, and arrived at the church, with my music on Shuffle … However, I chose some vintage Duran Duran. I cranked out set up, in time to spend time with a new man I am worki...

It has been a couple of weeks, and my strategy of keeping my friends close has sustained me, during this life transition I am in. There are certain people in my life, that are anchors for my soul. Just seeing them come into a room is soothing. That l...

There are times in life when we must take a stand. Take a stand for our fellows, Take a stand for Women. Take a stand for children. Take a stand for Immigrants. Take a stand for our Nation and its Democracy. Take a stand for our Morals, Rights, and V...