Erkan's Field Diary

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Blog Tags:turkey, european union, cyberculture, politics, news

“Erkan’s Field Diary” evolved from a dissertation project on Turkish journalism and the European Union (EU). In addition to the original topic, the blog monitors socio-cultural happenings and cybercultural emergences in Turkey. E

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Süleyman Karadeniz, the head of Special Operations, kissed Bahçeli‘s hand, which drew reactions from the public. CHP’s Murat Bakan: “If police and soldiers start kissing hands, this country will experience more July 15ths.” DEVA Par...

Hell yeah! 00:06 Women are making significant strides in the metal music scene. 03:28 Women pioneers in metal music 06:05 Metal women can growl, shout, and roar regardless of gender, focusing on technique. 08:57 Women in metal face challenges and dis...

Sinem and I have been planning a month-long trip to the US. It is all a vacation, but catch-up with friends. I will probably blog as it happens, but let me give you the outline. We will first stay in Detroit. Thanks to Jessica, who has been an early...

Trump, the survivor

on Jul 14, 2024

Whatever the motives, Trump has just won a new level of legitimacy. I cannot know whether Democrats are doing any good domestically, but their global policies are a mess. The democratic establishment looks like it is giving up. What do we know about...


on Jul 12, 2024

I never liked preparing presentations, and finally, an AI-supported presentation tool made my life easier. I have already recommended on many occasions, but let me announce it here, too. There are a few better-known rivals, such as beautifu...

At the current NATO summit, Biden introduced Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy as “President Putin” before quickly correcting himself. Here are some notable gaffes made by Joe Biden during his presidency so far: Mistakenly referring...

The Civil Society in the Penal System Association (CİSST) has released its “Prisons Map” to facilitate public access to data about prisons in Türkiye. The map is available in Turkish and English. Ill prisoners As of April 2022, there we...