"Be Prepared" Blogs & Blog Posts

The Prepper-UpperThe Prepper-Upper

Does the future looks a tad uncertain? WTSHTF do you really think the gover...


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If you ever thought that planning a proposal is a simple walk in the park then think again. It is a stressful and nerve-cracking event that requires men to dig deep inside their creativity to come up with something memorable.… Continue Reading...

Every day in this space, we will consult a new entry in the 1987 book The Modern Man’s Guide to Life to see how the advice therein has aged. This is our first example, on the matter of air travel. Read more...

Outdoors during bad weather? A knife gives you the ability to start a fire in otherwise impossible conditions. Starting a fire like this every time is great survival practice. Read more...

When I bought a car from a family friend, I was delighted to open up the trunk and find a pair of gloves, tire-changing tools, and a can of Fix-A-Flat nestled on top of the spare tire. There were tissues in the center console, a stocked changepurse,...

The likelihood that the East Coast will be clobbered by Frankenstorm (more correctly: Frankenstorm's Monster), perhaps starting as early as Sunday is 90% as of yesterday. Most people here have resigned themselves to the fact that they and their loved...

No matter how firmly entrenched you are in the corporate womb or how indispensable you appear to be, you could lose your job without notice. The only thing worse than losing your job by surprise is losing it by surprise with no plan to adjust your bu...