"Breaks" Blogs & Blog Posts

Killian DubKillian Dub

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APLIFT is a website that provides quotes based on your mood. There are 15 moods to choose from, including happy, romantic, fearful, playful, thrill-seeking, and more. When I clicked on the "thoughtful" page, I received the following quote from Socrat...

This week, we’re learning how taking breaks and time off from work can actually help us improve both our creativity and productivity. Writers John Fitch and Max Frenzel speak with us about how to develop what they call a quality“rest ethic,” wh...

This week we’re learning how to nail perfect timing with New York Times bestselling author Daniel Pink. Listen to Daniel explain why certain hours of the day are more productive than others, what chronotypes are and how they impact your energy thro...

When you take breaks, you come back to your work with a fresh perspective, and if you’re stuck, that perspective can often help you figure out a solution. The Genius Deck helps with this by asking random questions to help you switch gears.Read more...

Taking care of yourself isn’t just a reward, it’s part of the process. Breaks help you regain focus and come back to work with a fresh perspective, which is why doing nothing is sometimes the most productive thing you can do. Force yourself to re...

We often discuss the importance of taking more breaks to be more productive, but the folks at PayScale have put together a great explanation for exactly why you shouldn’t work more than 90 minutes at a time, and part of it has to do with our basic...

We like to think that creative types who produce a lot of stuff are capable of just doing that all the time, but comic artist Matthew Inman of The Oatmeal reminds us in a new strip that creativity isn’t as sustainable as it might appear from the ou...