"Positive Psychology" Blogs & Blog Posts

Thought MedicineThought Medicine

Exploring the Power of Mind from Science to Spirituality


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The commonly-held belief is that there’s a correlation between your happiness at work and your productivity. And while this assertion has been borne out in decades of research studies focusing on how happiness can make you more productive, those st...

Let’s take it back to that introductory psychology course you took in college for a moment: Remember Maslow’s hierarchy of needs? It’s that pyramid-shaped chart with physiological needs at the bottom and self-actualization at the top. It’s gr...

Exhibiting emotional intelligence is more important than ever in the workplace. We are in the midst of the Great Resignation, and people are increasingly less likely to stick with jobs where they do not feel seen, heard, or valued. Employees want to...

How many New Year’s resolutions have you made over the course of your life? And how many have you kept? We all know that most grand resolutions, unless accompanied by deep commitment and accountability, stay where they began: in our heads. I don’...

Long time readers of this blog will know that I am enamored by psychology, especially that, which can be put to practical use. While I have developed some expertise in psychology, especially positive psychology, I have always been pondering whether I...

Mental health has been a hot-button issue in sports the past few years. Dating back to 2017, when Cleveland Cavaliers’ forward Kevin Love stepped away from his team after a panic attack suffered in the middle of a game, we’ve started seeing more...

If you woke up this morning and hopped on social media, you probably saw that Robin Williams was trending on at least one platform. As often happens on social media, there doesn’t seem to be any real reason for Robin Williams to be top-of-mind for...