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Blog Tags:observational, life, satire, humor, inspiration

I've always seen my life as one continuous move. And each moment a series of takes. So grab some popcorn and enjoy the film!

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What is AI Photography?"AI photography refers to a form of photography that utilizes artificial intelligence to either generate new images or enhance existing ones that mimic real photographs."--------------------------------For the past two weeks, I...

For the past eight months or so, I've been having a love affair with Scotland. And yet, I've never been there or given the country much thought. However, for some strange reason, many of the movies I've been watching (old and new) have been set in Sc...

*This is not a sponsored post----------------------------------Today, I would like to share a few skincare recommendations and tips that I've discovered throughout my time in the beauty industry and found them very useful.Hope you will too!Washing Yo...

Traditionally, men are seen as handsome, while women are seen as beautiful. Personally, I think men and women can be handsome, beautiful, or even both. Throughout my life, I've looked at many men and thought, "What a beautiful man!" I've al...

Do you remember the good old days when the tipping protocol was only for waiters, waitresses, and bartenders? And that was because they got paid (and still do) a measly hourly wage, requiring them to rely on tips to make a living.Today, however,...

Today, I would like to share three things I love and three things I intensely dislike. I will start with the dislikes and then conclude with the loves; leaving you on an upbeat. Okay, here we go...Things I Intensely Dislike -1) People who p...

Back in March, you may remember that I published a few photographs of Swarthmore in my Hello Spring post, but didn't have time to visit and photograph the college campus. So about two weeks ago, I took the train back to Swarthmore and did just t...