".net" Blogs & Blog Posts

Doogal Bell's bloggy thingDoogal Bell's bloggy thing

C#, .NET, Google Maps, general development, anything else that crosses my m...


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I've been trying to figure out how to convert my site to .NET 5 or 6 for a long while. The pages are written in PHP (because that was the only thing available to me on my web host at the time) but there are many .ashx handlers that were added when I...

.NET Coords is now a .NET Standard 2.0 project, meaning it can be used in .NET Framework 4.8 and .NET Core projects...

Someone asked about getting hold of the code to generate FIT files from Strava segments. It's not possible to provide standalone code since it's has dependencies on the rest of my website and a Strava library, but here's what I use which may give peo...

I've released a new version of .NET Coordinates to add support for the Irish Transverse Mercator coordinate system. This was introduced 20 years ago to replace the Irish National Grid and I only heard of it about a week ago... I've also made some cha...

I noticed the other day that my usage of the Google Maps Timezone API was failing. I realised this was down to me not passing in an API key with the call. In their attempts to monetise their Maps API, Google now requires the API key and each call is...

It’s nothing special, but I’ve found this useful in the past and probably will again so here for my memory bank is a function that converts a list to a comma string using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; namespace Utils { publi...

I occasionally run a little app I wrote 4 years ago to grab the most popular pages on my website via Google Analytics and update the database so the website can display a top 10 list of those pages. I tried to run it this morning and it fell...