"Bass" Blogs & Blog Posts

Killian DubKillian Dub

Podcasts, singles, free album giveaways and more good stuff.

Great Canadian FishingGreat Canadian Fishing

Ignace Outposts is located in the heart of Northwestern Ontario. Our fly-in...


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The good news is, you’re not losing your hearing. The bad news? Dialogue on television has been going down the drain for some time, despite improvements in technology. This is due to a variety of reasons, mainly having to do with actors not having...

Watch this cool and educational video, where Julia Hofer plays the bassline of "Spirits in the Material World" by The Police, which is from their 1981 album Ghost in the Machine. At the beginning of the video, she explains a little bit about how...

Ellen Alaverdyan is 11 years old and lives in Las Vegas, Nevada. She's only been playing for two years but sounds like an old pro. Here she is at age 10 playing bass on Rush's "Tom Sawyer": And here's a more recent video, where she plays...

What started as a one-off tweet, exposing me to a new world, became a dive into the Youtube rabbit hole. Indian bass competitions have me questioning my entire commitment to sound. And while I fear for the eardrums of everyone involved, I have to say...

This is a series of five posts looking in a light-hearted way at the different types of singers in a typical community choir.  And for the final SATB section, here are the Basses. Enjoy! Here are ten things I’ve learnt about Basses after...

Often, when I’m teaching a song, a man might ask to sing the tune, or a woman might ask to sing the bass. photo by Keith Hamilton Putnam I usually say no, as I don’t like mixing men’s and women’s voices in the same part. Why is that?

Gone are the days of seeing a movie just to feel the leather seats, smell the popcorn, and be with others in the movie theater. Indoor movie theaters are high-risk locations during the ongoing pandemic, so while we wait for mass vaccinations and fewe...