"Flower Photography" Blogs & Blog Posts

Something (a little something to say, see and savor)Something (a little something to say, see and savor)

This is my spot in the universe to bookmark everything I find interesting, ...


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I confess, I stole this from a restaurant parking lot. ...

I want to buy a new camera but I need to find out if my photographing-flower-passion is still in there some place. I have not felt up to it much in the last year. I saw this Rose on Sharon on my walk today. So playful with all of that springing from...

It is that time of year that I can not pass up a little plastic pot of poppies. I know they will not  make it in my wet and rainy yard, but that does not dissuade me from bringing them home to admire and love. Many years ago, my friend and neigh...

We have had sunshine for the entire weekend! Instead of cleaning, I opted to garden and plant a few plants hanging out on the porch. I almost cut the end of my thumb off with a new gardening tool. ;0 I keep wanting to buy flowers, I think I am really...

It is that special time of year that Ranunculus are for sale at Trader Joe's. I scream with delight.   ...

It is tough for me not to have time to drink in the sights and fragrances of spring. I miss having time to document beautiful things, nature (coming and going) but that is the dilemma I find myself in now. Strapped for time and lacking the energy. On...