"Free Stuff" Blogs & Blog Posts

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Original Article by TechSling Weblog: When surfing the web, online security and privacy become paramount. But for budget-conscious users, shelling out for a premium VPN can seem like a luxury. What if you could get robust security features without b...

A mother of six who helped herself to a century-old unopened bottle of Rémy Martin Louis XIII cognac from a restaurant bar in San Jose, California won't be charged with a crime because the owner decided not to press charges. From Fox 43: Surv...

You can get free Amazon products through reviewer programs, Amazon product websites, and freebie programs offered by Amazon itself.

Even with all of today’s technology, kids still love getting mail. It’s hard to beat the thrill of opening the mailbox and finding something with your very own name printed on it. (As a child, of course. As an adult, it’s a different story—pr...

Sometimes a cup of coffee can make the difference between a terrible day and a less-terrible one, and as the number of COVID cases continue to rise and lockdown talks begin again around the country, Starbucks is giving away a cup of coffee during the...

Back in March, when we were first getting used to the idea of a lockdown and quarantining, people went into their extended time at home with the best intentions. They’d learn to knit! Take up painting! Learn how to bake new pastries and breads! And...

Living through the past several months of the pandemic has changed so much about how and where we work—including whether we still have a job at all. If you’re fortunate enough to still be employed, this period may have caused you to reflect on yo...