"Undead" Blogs & Blog Posts

Canister X - A.P. Fuchs: Zombie and Superhero Novelist, Horror and Superhero Movie Reviews and More!Canister X - A.P. Fuchs: Zombie and Superhero Novelist, Horror and Superhero Movie Reviews and More!

Official site of zombie and superhero novelist, A.P. Fuchs. Also contains i...


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When Nick Fatouros of Montreal, Canada returned from a long vacation in Costa Rica, a rather upsetting letter was awaiting him. The official government letter informed Fatouros that he was deceased and that officials hoped his estate would pay his $1...

Archaeologists in Pień, Poland found the 17th century grave of a "vampire" child. Incredibly (fortunately?), the little bloodsucker's ankle was apparently secured with an iron padlock to prevent it from rising from the grave. Estimated to be around...

In 2004, artist Howard Hallis celebrated the devilishly wonderful crossover of Disney and Goth culture with the now-classic "Haunted Bela," a mash-up of Bauhaus's "Bela Lugosi's Dead" with the spooky narration heard in Disneyland's Haunted Mansion da...

Some years ago, Slow Motion Radio time-stretched Bauhaus's 1979 vampire anthem "Bela Lugosi's Dead" into nine hours. Listening to it in its entirety is a piece of goth durational performance art. Oh Belllllaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...

I’ve got something for your mind, your body, and your soul — a revelation that may just change the way you view Halloween and the world (and beyond!) as you know it. Zombies, I realized recently, are the exact opposite of ghosts. We’re talking...

Blackstock Boneyard, or Rightful as it was originally called, is the story of two landowners who were wrongly accused of robbery, rape, and murder. In order to get a fair trial, they have to sell their land. Actually, they had to sell all their asse...

In 2004, artist Howard Hallis celebrated the devilishly wonderful crossover of Disney and Goth culture with the now-classic "Haunted Bela," a mash-up of Bauhaus's "Bela Lugosi's Dead" with the spooky narration heard in Disneyland's Haunted Mansion da...