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Students and professionals from all over the world come together to discuss issues important to them: topics in the news, in their hometowns and in their personal lives.

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L’institut Biovancia nous promet qu’avec l’utilisation de leur capsule Prostaslim XR, les problèmes de prostate ne seront qu’un mauvais souvenir du passé. Nous avons cherché à comprendre qui se cache derrière cette organi...

Le Nutra Digest de Nutravya serait un complément aux effets très avantageux sur la santé intestinale selon les dires. La présentation alléchante laisse penser qu’ils aurait divers bénéfices pour l’indigestion, les ballonnements et...

Le Nutra Digest de Nutravya serait un complément aux effets très avantageux sur la santé intestinale selon les dires. La présentation alléchante laisse penser qu’ils aurait divers bénéfices pour l’indigestion, les ballonnements et...

It’s been a long time that we’ve been off the radar when it comes to the website, and for that we definitely apologize. Sometimes, Life gets in the way for us as it does for everyone. And this is one of those times where life DEF...

Infant Circumcision?

on Apr 14, 2013

Circumcision should be banned. 0% (0 votes) Circumcision should be allowed, but only for religous reasons. 6% (1 vote) Circumcision should be allowed, but only to consenting adults. 28% (5 votes) Circumcision should be...

I'm waiting for Congress to strike it down after the election. 6% (1 vote) I reserve judgement until I see how it is run. 41% (7 votes) Parts are good, but I wish some things were different. 24% (4 votes) About tim...

An opt-in system, where everyone who needs an organ has a chance to get one 33% (1 vote) An opt-in system, where only those who have opted in have the chance at an organ 33% (1 vote) An opt-out system, where everyone who needs an...