Forms Most Beautiful

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Blog Tags:Evolution, Atheism, Religion, Politics, Philosophy, Bicycles
Country:United States
Location:State College

Generally speaking, I think that we there is a lot of nonsense in the world perpetrated on us by entrenched religious nonsense and absurd assumptions about so-called "progress."

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The paleolithic diet, also known as "paleo diet", the Stone Age diet, or the caveman diet, has gained popularity in recent years as a way to eat healthier and lose weight. The idea behind this diet is that modern humans should eat as their prehistori...

Over the past few years, a new pseudoscientific thought line has emerged as a result of the growth of social media networks: flat-earth theory.It is a movement in which its followers show a clear lack of understanding of physical and astronomical con...

Deism and atheism

on Nov 8, 2018

There are those who believe that everything wonderful in the universe is the work of God, however, with all the powerful that they consider, they do not judge him author of the evils and human tragedies. That is why there are more and more people who...

Only in the first months of last year, four states in North America studied laws to authorize the teaching of creationist theories in science class. And is that, despite the scientific consensus around Darwinism, human evolution remains a controversi...

Says Steven Pinker in Los Angeles that leads within humanity took a great leap forward when he decided to accept that much of the misfortunes is not behind the will of a God angry with our behavior or the spell of a witch. The English phrase "shit ha...

Scientists from the University of Exeter (United Kingdom) have shown that the spotted moth, also known as 'Darwin's moth' for having been identified as an evolutionary example, uses its color to better camouflage itself from the birds that feed on th...

The new hypothesis indicates that the species progressed in dispersed and isolated populations from the extreme south to the coasts of North Africa, and not from a single and concentrated population.A group of researchers from the University of Oxfor...