Thinking Out Aloud

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A blog of book reviews, occasional film reviews and posts on matters of interest

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Christine Roy, Unsplash.My poor blog, how I have neglected you.I have abandoned you for my Substack, which is Lorenzo from Oz. It is here.I have written there on lots of things.In July 2022, I wrote on matters Trans. (https://lorenzofromoz.substack.c...

The destructive non-electoral politics of institutional capture.Source: Economic Policy Institute.Have done two new posts on Substack.On Helen Dale’s Substack, I have posted on how the rate of social change does not de-stabilise conventional centre...

Source: Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash.Blogging has been very light here. Mainly because I have been doing a lot of researching and writing for various major projects.Also, I now have a Substack. What began as a critique of Marxism grew into a series...

Ever since their inception, states have dominated the extraction of surplus.Tomb of Menna, Wikipedia commons.Two concepts that, in their anti-commerce forms, get in the way of understanding social dynamics are commodification and alienation.Regarding...

The problem with using a distorting social lens.Source: common trope of commentary, both inside and outside the US, for some years now (even before the Trump-apo...

Property law rests on conventions that evolved before it and that can operate without it, or even against it.Waiting for the opening of a speakeasy in 1921 (Wikipedia commons).Black markets, markets in illegal goods and services, demonstrate that sta...

Opinions that mark one off as one of the smart-and-the-good can have a disastrous effect on policy and organisations.SourceIn her review of Andrew Doyle’s recently published book arguing the case for free speech, novelist, lawyer and commentator He...