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Farewell to the Ticker

on Oct 13, 2014

The Political Ticker blog died of old age on Oct. 13, 2014, after eight years of faithful service to CNN's readers. The Ticker began quietly in October 2006, fueled by a realization that a blog could capture and influence the political conversation.

The Political Ticker blog died of old age on Oct. 13, 2014, after eight years of faithful service to CNN's readers. The Ticker began quietly in October 2006, fueled by a realization that a blog could capture and influence the political conversation.

Alaska's Senate race is an increasingly prime pickup opportunity for Republicans, with Democratic Sen. Mark Begich trailing challenger Dan Sullivan by 6 percentage points, a new CNN/ORC International Poll shows. Sullivan earned 50% support compared t...

Two sources inside Mitt Romney's inner circle tell CNN that while Romney isn't planning a presidential bid, he's listening to a lot of people who want him to get in the race - although he remains skeptical himself. "A lot of people in Romneyland are...

Sen. John McCain slammed President Barack Obama on Monday over his comments that U.S. intelligence underestimated ISIS. McCain countered Obama's assertions made on CBS' "60 Minutes," saying that ISIS' expansion in Syria and Iraq was tied to the Presi...

Republicans who want to taint Hillary Clinton are going to lengths to link the former secretary of state with President Barack Obama and his sagging poll numbers. Throughout the party's infrastructure, Republicans say that linking Clinton with Obama,...

For a small band of supercharged Democratic organizers, the pleasant Des Moines neighborhood of Beaverdale goes by another name: Obamadale. The moniker was bestowed three years ago by a motley crew of Democrats who first met as strangers over martini...