Zechariah 13:6 tells of a prophet with wounds in his hands, is this Jesus? Answer too quickly and you could accuse Jesus of being a false prophet! Can Christians find Jesus in Zechariah 13:6? The answer, of course, is no and yes. But first remember t...
We are used to being shown (especially by Feminist critics) how the Bible and Bible readers remove women and women’s experience from Scripture. I only recently (perhaps because I’ve been more than usually aware of sheep – feeding M...
This chapter is the beginning of the Bible, and beginnings are important. We learn why the world was made, and how God is “different”. Among other structural details we will notice is this one (the diagramme may help as you listen): Day C...
For some reason one of the difficult stumbling blocks at the start of a Bible intro course is “genre” and why it matters. So, here’s a < 5 minute Bible attempt to explain! https://5minutebible.com/audio/genre1.mp3 R...
Many people think the Bible is like a hologram, any part of which shows the truth. The practice of scholars, preachers and teachers, of citing single verses or lists of verses to demonstrate something, encourages this view. The claim that the Bible i...
In What is the Bible (Part 1) I talked of the Bible as witness, and mentioned stories where Abraham and Amos haggle with God, and ended with a reference to arguing with God in the Bible. Here I’ll begin to explore Jeremiah’s side of the c...
How do we picture Scripture? That is what is/are the (unconscious) models in our heads as we read and use the Bible? This ‘cast refers particularly to Gen 18:20ff. and Amos 7. https://5minutebible.com/audio/whatisbible.mp3 Read More ͛...