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Consejo: Recuerde usted siempre tocar o hacer click sobre las imágenes para mejorar su tamaño y su calidad, antes de descargarlas. Gracias ! AVISO: Por favor síguenos en nuestras redes sociales para recibir en exclusiva las futuras colecciones de...

In 1964, Michael Noll, a researcher from Bell Telephone Laboratories, achieved a groundbreaking feat: creating a computer-generated ballet dance featuring stick figures gracefully moving across a virtual stage. While the graphics may appear crude by...

There is a ballet class that takes place in the East Village of New York most Mondays at 10:45 a.m. It has all the markings of a makeshift studio: an abandoned stage, portable barres, two small mirrors wheeled into place. Dancers, polite, mostly quie...

The following is an excerpt from Don’t Think, Dear: On Loving and Leaving Ballet by Alice Robb, which came out on Tuesday. You can buy it at Bookshop and Amazon.Read more...

On a December evening, audiences looked on, amused, as the senior class of Juilliard students clamored over one another to grab a microphone onstage. The dancers stumbled around, some manic, others deliberate, before rattling off disjointed memories...

There was a time a few weeks ago—that is, before Bartise insulted his fiancé—when 25-year-old ballet dancer Colleen Reed looked poised to become the villain of Love Is Blind’s third season. As the early episodes aired, “Jellybean Colleen”...