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When you first bought your first house, it probably seemed enormous, especially if you were moving from a tiny apartment. But inevitably, the longer you own it (and start filling it with stuff, pets, and children), the smaller it seems.Read more...

Between the heat and humidity, garages without air conditioning can feel like saunas in the summer. In fact, the temperature inside can be 10-18° F higher than outside. Fortunately, there are ways to keep your garage cool during hot weather. Here’...

In the age of digital nomads and remote work, you may be able to take longer trips than you used to. Maybe you’ve always wanted to spend the summer at the beach, but you’re worried about the property you’d leave behind. The next time you plan t...

We all know owning a home is an investment, and that means that any renovations we do will have an impact. Whether you’re planning to sell your house soon or just want to keep track of what you’ve put into the place, it pays to think about your r...

City officials conducted inspections of more than 70 structures after a three-story garage in Manhattan effectively imploded on April 18, killing one.

If you’ve noticed a lot of moisture—or worse, a puddle—in your garage, you might understandably be worried. But some causes can be fixed easily, and without major renovations...the trick is finding the source of the water getting in, which will...