"Healthy Living" Blogs & Blog Posts

Make It HappenMake It Happen

How to make it happen in your life for a better you and a better world.


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Americans curse about five times every hour. But there can be some benefits from swearing, from improving your workout to bonding with your coworkers.

"If you really want to keep your immune system working optimally, there are things that you do that are normal things," Fauci said.

Fall signifies a transformation in many aspects – from shorter days to cooler temperatures and warmer drinks. The season is full of changing attitudes, agendas and aspirations! As kids go back to school, you can kick off your own season of learning...

Winter image created by Lyashenko - Freepik.comA few years ago, it seemed like my family was constantly sick.  If one kid didn't have a runny nose, then someone else was up all night puking. We'd have a few months of everything being okay and th...

Winter image created by Lyashenko - Freepik.comA few years ago, it seemed like my family was constantly sick.  If one kid didn't have a runny nose, then someone else was up all night puking. We'd have a few months of everything being okay and th...

If you've been on the fence about starting in with essential oils - now is the perfect time to jump.  Young Living has extended their September promotion of 10% off  a Premium Starter Kit to September 23rd - that's $20.00 off the price of t...

My kids love to play with play-dough.  It's amazing how creative they can be. They make hair salons, create amazing these amazing meals they invite me to "try" and all kinds of wacky animals.  One thing they hate though is old, crusty play-...