"Philippines" Blogs & Blog Posts

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Follow the ponderings, triumphs and foibles of a single woman in Manila. A ...

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The 12,000-ton CCG 5901 anchored in Manila's exclusive economic zone earlier this week, ramping up tensions in the region.

The Philippines is making a shift to counter China's rising might, but the hefty cost of buying a submarine could be better spent.

Filipino soldiers had to defend themselves against an armed attack by Chinese coast guard, a general said. One soldier reportedly lost a thumb.

Just over 100 miles from Taiwan's south coast, US and Philippine forces seized an airstrip in key terrain for potential conflict with China.

The Marines' new armored asset debuted in the South China Sea after it was temporarily grounded over its involvement in multiple rollovers in 2022.

Brandon Turrell first came across the Financial Independence, Retire Early movement — better known as the FIRE movement — in 2012.

"I wasn't going to be rich, but I was comfortable every month having more than I would need in the Philippines," Corey Fraser said about retiring early.