"Prohibition" Blogs & Blog Posts

Transform Drug Policy FoundationTransform Drug Policy Foundation

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Remember when people thought we'd emerge from the pandemic into a "new roaring 20s"? Yeah, that didn't quite happen. Here's a taste of those original roaring 20s—archival film footage inside a speakeasy of the Prohibition Era. As Jello Biafra o...

A new statue has popped up in New York City's Battery Park honoring Porkchop, the purported bulldog of "gentleman smuggler" William "Bill" McCoy. Sculptor Joseph Reginella of NYC Urban Legends, an organization that blurs the line between reality...

Now that the former drug warrior Joe Biden is pardoning weed smokers, he needs to consider legalizing cocaine, too, says The Economist. It admits that if cocaine was legal, "more people would take it. But the benefits of lifting drug prohibition are...

Beer is one of mankind’s greatest achievements. We’ve been brewing it according to various recipes for thousands of years—the ancient Egyptians were brewing up a storm, and we can actually replicate their recipes in the modern day. While beer i...

Alabama State Rep. Jeremy Gray introduced a bill that would allow yoga to be practiced voluntarily at public schools. But the state legislature upheld the ban against yoga, which has been strictly prohibited since 1993. If you are wondering why, the...

As the marijuana legalization debate continues, it's important to examine the connections between media portrayal, public perception, and fluctuating laws.

Poitín is another name for what's essentially Irish moonshine — un-aged liquor made from wheat and rye, boiled in a pot still. The rare auld mountain dew, as it's sometimes know, is the stuff of folklore legend, immortalized in stories and plays a...